Monday 30 January 2012

Up, Up, and AWAY !

Come in all $uper €uro's,  come in,

So we have managed to get our School Bank  Super Euro's up and running. ( hold for applause). Even tho we are a small team of six pupils we will be making a big bang in the AIB build a bank competition 2012 :) After many hours of  over working our thinking caps and nearly emptying out our Banks managers fridge we managed to come up with a theme for our bank that was packed with fun, creativeness and humor. (lets face it no one likes a boring strict bank). So in the end we came up with the theme of Super hero's saving the world from robbers robbing our money, Thus the name Super Euro's was born!  (coo's and awe's are acceptable). Along with our catchy name we came up with a slogan that is also our pledge we bankers make to you our customers "  Euro-k to save today" .. catchy right ? (we would love if you have any comments on what you think of our name and slogan)
So that's us basically and we  really would be grateful if everyone out their would wish us luck in make our school bank thrive so that everyone can have fun in saving their money for a better future and we look forward to you all following our blog for all the latest information and wackie ideas we get up too :D

Over and out,
  $uper €uro's

Friday 27 January 2012

The creation of Super Euro's.

We are Super Euro's bank from St. Wolstans Community School. This bank was set up as part of the Build a Bank challenge which takes place in schools throughout Ireland.
Our bank team is made up of 6 Transition Year students and so far we are all really enjoying and making the most of this oppurtunity!

Team Members:
Bank manager: Caitriona Eves
Assistant manager: Aoife O'Neill
Auditor: Claire McCormack
Marketing & sales executive : Fiona White
Tellers: Sarah Bell & Elizabeth Behan
Our bank is based around the theme of Super Heroes and we are also incorporating the fun element into everything we do!
This blog will be used to keep members and students in our school up to date on news and promotions relating to the bank.
(this logo is copy righted to st.wolstans bank)